If you can’t list 100 things, then try to come up with 10-20.
- I’m grateful for waking up every morning feeling refreshed.
- I’m grateful for having good health.
- I’m grateful for being able to sleep in a big, cozy bed.
- I’m grateful for being able to eat a warm meal every day.
- I’m grateful for a shower with running hot water.
- I’m grateful for my intuition because it allows me to think and analyze when problems arise.
- I’m thankful to God for his divine presence in my life.
- I’m thankful for my heart because it lets me feel love once again.
- I’m grateful for my cute little ears because they allow me to hear.
- I’m grateful for my cute button nose because it allows me to sneeze.
- I’m grateful for my sense of smell.
- I’m grateful for my teeth because they allow me to chew my food.
- I’m thankful for having electricity in my home at all times.
- I’m grateful for my almond-shaped eyes with thick lashes because they allow me to see and trap dust from my eyes.
- I’m grateful for my taste buds because it allows me to savor all kinds of food.
- I’m grateful for my small hands because you can do so many things.
- I’m grateful for my long, silky straight hair because it’s thin and manageable.
- I’m grateful for my small feet because I can walk barefoot in the sand.
- I’m grateful for my small lips because they allow me to smile and kiss my imaginary prince from afar.
- I’m grateful for my creativity, which allows me to write on any topic that I want.
- I’m grateful for my “43″ Samsung TV, desktop computer and laptop.
- I’m grateful for having money to pay off my bills.
- I’m grateful for my family. Even though they drive me nuts, they’re still there for me.
- I’m grateful that I have a car that gets me to where I need to go.
- I’m grateful for the sunshine days.
- I’m grateful for the freedom that I have to be me.
- I’m grateful for all the freedom and opportunities that the U.S of America has to offer.
- I’m grateful for having a nephew.
- I’m grateful for spending time with people that I love.
- I’m grateful for all the talents, skills and abilities that God has blessed me with.
- I’m grateful for all the angels that God has put to watch over me.
- I’m grateful for all the experiences that have made me into the kind of person that I am today.
- I’m thankful for the negative events and challenges that I’ve had to overcome in my life. These experiences have made me a much stronger person and taught me many positive lessons.