Practicing Gratitude and the Law of Attraction

Being grateful for the things that you have will help you to appreciate life a lot more. Being grateful for things that you want but don’t have yet is a practice that may help you to attain what you want. For example, if you want a new car or a bunch of new friends, say out loud “Thank you for my new car” or “Thank you for all these new friends that I have.” Say it out loud every day a few times a day.

Write down in a journal a list of things that you would like to have. For instance, maybe you would like a new job, more money or maybe you want to get along better with your family or a friend. Write down what it is that you desire. Go over the list and then start saying aloud “I am thankful for my friend and I getting along so well. Thank you for the peace and harmony in our lives.” You should say this over and over until it absorbs in your mind. Giving thanks for something you haven’t received may just help you to receive it.

I keep an attitude of gratitude everyday. I am …

The Benefits and How-Tos of Abdominal Breathing: Change Your Breathing Habits and Feel More Relaxed

Breath is automatic and mechanical. But like any machine, your breathing habits can go into disrepair. Take a moment to notice your breath. Does your stomach expand as you inhale or do you breathe into your chest? If you breathe mainly into your chest, you may sometimes feel out of breath even when you are not physically active. In addition, those who consistently breathe into their chest often feel more nervous than those who practice abdominal breathing (Bourne). Chest breathers also have the tendency to be shy and nervous compared to abdominal breathers who are more relaxed and outgoing.

There Are Many Benefits Associated with Abdominal Breathing:

  • Efficient excretion of bodily toxins
  • Improved circulation
  • Increased state of calmness and serenity
  • Improved concentration (Bourne)


Breathing Exercises

It is possible to retrain your body to breathe more deeply. Practice these simple exercises for about five minutes every day, and you will find that you will begin to breathe into your abdominals naturally.

Three-Part Breathing

  1. Breathe slowly into your lower abdomen.
  2. When your lower abdomen is full, move the breath into your rib cage.
  3. When your rib cage is full, bring the breath into your chest. As you bring the breath into

Daily Rituals for Expressing Gratitude

I’m not going to complain today, I thought to myself. Within minutes, I had already broken this promise. I definitely did not have an attitude of gratitude. So I set out to fix this. I thought about the many things for which I should be grateful. I had my family and my health. What else did I have? My husband had a job and we had one running car out of three, which is better than some folks. We had food in the cupboards and my children were in school. I had many reasons to be grateful.

I wanted to share this attitude with others and teach my children to show gratitude in their attitudes. When a commercial on television causes my child to want “that” toy, I tell her to be grateful for the toys she has. My daughter thought about this and decided to share some of her things with friends. This began a new attitude of gratitude in our home.

I teach our children that they should not focus on what we do not have, but on what we do have. It is fine to say, “I want one of those for my birthday”, but it’s not …

Find Florida Beach Yoga for an Outdoor Yoga Practice

Find Florida Beach Yoga for an Outdoor Yoga Practice

The warm fresh sea breeze, open space, the sound of water and seagulls and the white sand make outside yoga on the beach in sunny Florida an ideal practice.

Sunny Florida, a peninsula surrounded by water, can be ideal for practising yoga not only outdoors, but also on the beach. The climate mimics how yoga was performed originally outside in the hot outdoors. Enjoy a safer form of hot (or warm) yoga with cool ocean or bay breezes to remove sweat naturally during practice.

Advantages of Yoga on Beaches

Rarely are crowds or sandflies a real issue but the advantages of beach yoga negate any minor inconveniences. The advantages are many:


  • Fresh air smells better than any candle-scented indoor space.
  • Classes are open to all levels.
  • Cost is usually less than classrooms since the space isn’t rented or owned or managed otherwise.
  • Music is natural, literally new wave music of the great outdoors including bird and wildlife sounds and lapping water.
  • Teachers are usually certified and dedicated.
  • Sunsets and sun salutations are truly saluting the sun.
  • The sand serves to plant the feet on the earth.
  • Muscle work and balance are part of life and the irregular surface of

Maintaining Mindfulness and Balance with a New Career

Starting a new job is exciting – embarking on a new career path can be even more riddled with anxiety. It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and push everything else to the back burner including your health (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual), relationships (with yourself, others and the earth) and pretty much anything else that doesn’t have to do with punching the clock. The whole “nine to five” thing is now more nostalgic than anything else. When people are connected around the clock to work via their smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices, is it even possible to punch out?

The answer has to be yes, no matter how easy or feasible it may be to stay on duty. Whether you live to work or work to live, every person will suffer if they don’t live mindfully and strike balance. Very few people live to an old age and look back wishing they had worked more. However, there are plenty of people who wished they had lived more, loved more, and done more outside the office–period. Here are a few things to keep in mind even as you’re climbing the corporate ladder.

Re-learn how to prioritize

Basic Singing Techniques: Correct Breathing

A guide detailing the proper way to breathe for singing. Often described incorrectly; I hope this guide will help a new generation of young vocalists.

So if we are breathing into our lungs, why does our stomach push out? The reason for this is the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a muscle below the lungs. When we breathe air into our lungs, they expand. Ideally, they should be expanding downwards which will press down on your diaphragm and push out your stomach. Don’t worry, this won’t hurt. In fact, you’ve done it naturally all of your life.

A good way to notice this feeling occurring in your body is to lay flat on the floor and breathe in gently whilst resting a hand on your stomach. Do you notice it raise and lower? Another way to indirectly notice this is to observe a baby whilst they are asleep. Their stomachs move up and down with their breathing. N’awwww!

Expanding the chest

Or more accurately, the rib cage. To ensure the correct passage of air flow the ribs must be expanded at all times. This will also give you’re singing more resonance and power. How do we do this? Firstly, stand up …

Daily Mindfulness Exercises

Are you just coasting through your life? Each day passes yet you feel like you accomplish nothing, like you’re just waiting for something to happen?
Sometimes we get so focused on the future we forget about the present! Doing these exercises each day will help bring your mind into the present moment and allow you to truly appreciate each and every day.

Drink Tea: Something so simple as drinking tea can be used to bring yourself. Cultures have used this exercise for hundreds of years as a tool to connect with the present. Take time to prepare your tea carefully. Use a teapot instead of a microwave. As your tea steeps take the time to appreciate it’s aroma. Sip it slowly and appreciate the delicate flavors.

Listen to music: Music is such an amazing invention of the human being. We hear it every day on the radio on the way to work, or as we exercise in the evening but do you really listen? Take some time now to lie back,  close your eyes and just listen to a song. Appreciate the melody of the human voice, and really FEEL the music throughout your whole body.

Go for a walk:

Singing with Confidence: Breathing Steadily on Stage!

Why does breathing make a difference in the way you sound when you sing?  First, you cannot produce sound without air.  It’s humanly impossible. When you speak, even one word or sound, it is because air strikes the vocal bands (folds) which causes them to vibrate. With vibration, sound is produced.

When we speak, we “let go” of the word quickly which doesn’t require a lot of air.  So, just by inhaling and exhaling, using the upper chest cavity, we can carry on a conversation. No big deal. And it is so easy, we seldom ever think about breath at all.

However, when we sing, the very act of singing requires the word to be held (sustained), which demands more air. As hard as we try, breathing for speech, will not supply us with enough air for singing.  As a result, we run out of air too soon, fail to project our singing, find that we can’t reach the high notes and even may strain our voice.




Our tone (singing sound) suffers the most when there is not enough air for the tone to “ride on”.  Air, is what supports the tone. It acts as a cushion …

Benefits of Deep Breathing


Benefits of Deep Breathing

In daily life, the process of breathing goes on naturally and automatically. We are mostly unaware of our breathing until a problem comes along. Every organism and every process in the body requires oxygen to sustain its life and activities. There is a great amount of medicinal value to our breathing, if only we can become aware of it and take care of it.

The best way to do this is to become totally and keenly aware of our natural breathing cycle. This awareness helps us to inhale larger amounts of air and oxygen. Such an inhalation process also enables us to exhale the air intake, slowly and gradually .This process of the real awareness of our breath, its slow and gradual inhalation and exhalation is called deep breathing.



Deep breathing has several benefits in maintaining good health. Some of these are

  1. It gives more energy,
  2. Reduces fatigue and stress of the body and mind,
  3. Reduces chest pain caused by muscular stresses and strains,
  4. Reduces the intensity in suffering from chronic illnesses such as Asthma and Bronchitis,
  5. Help in reducing the intake of prescription drugs and medicines,
  6. Accelerates the process of eliminating impurities from the body,
  7. Improves

Admiration and Gratitude

Admiration and gratitude, I walk in the sun
You are unknown to me, yet in the world we are one
I am beholding to you, I offer you these things
My thanks as I hear the sweet tune a bird sings
Concern and thoughts I have a few
I sit and listen and share a view.
Allowing me that gift, giving my life chance
Is a stranger and never will we share a glance
I have never suffered but owe you my life
You allow me to live as mother and wife
Each day you are in my mind
Unknown Soldier I hope peace you find.
I hope that soon you are on homeland shores
And you are with loved ones, free from wars
Please know this stranger prays
For those who allow me perfect days
To you I give thanks for my daily chores
My gratitude and admiration are all yours

I tend to be an anxious person that tends to dwell on the past and do the “what ifs” for the future, so I needed a way to break this vicious cycle and took an instant liking to the practice of mindfulness when introduced to me by a …