Being grateful for the things that you have will help you to appreciate life a lot more. Being grateful for things that you want but don’t have yet is a practice that may help you to attain what you want. For example, if you want a new car or a bunch of new friends, say out loud “Thank you for my new car” or “Thank you for all these new friends that I have.” Say it out loud every day a few times a day.
Write down in a journal a list of things that you would like to have. For instance, maybe you would like a new job, more money or maybe you want to get along better with your family or a friend. Write down what it is that you desire. Go over the list and then start saying aloud “I am thankful for my friend and I getting along so well. Thank you for the peace and harmony in our lives.” You should say this over and over until it absorbs in your mind. Giving thanks for something you haven’t received may just help you to receive it.
I keep an attitude of gratitude everyday. I am …